Keywords: tolerance, ethnic tolerance, student youth, modern education, multi-ethnic society of Crimea


Purpose. The article is devoted to the problem of the development of ethnic tolerance in higher educational institutions. The purpose of the article is to reveal the importance of the development of ethnic tolerance among the youth of Crimea as a condition for maintaining interethnic harmony and stability in a multiethnic region. The objectives of the research: to identify the essence of the phenomenon of ethnic tolerance, to consider the stages of formation and indicators of the students’ ethno-tolerance formation’s level, to analyze the results of an empirical study aimed at discovering ethnic identity as one of the factors affecting the development of ethnic tolerance, using the example of cadets of marine specialties of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kerch Marine Technological University”.

The method and methodology of the research. The basis of the research is formed by the theoretical methods (analysis, comparison, generalization) and the empirical method – the survey according to “The types of ethnic identity” method by G.U. Soldatova and S.V. Ryzhova.

Results. The novelty of the research is to recognize the role of educational environment of the University in the formation of students’ ethnic tolerance (on the example of cadets of marine specialties) through educational activities (in the process of studying social and humanitarian disciplines) and extra-educational activities (in the process of conducting trainings on the formation of a tolerant position as a factor in the prevention of interethnic conflicts , using the experience of the Center for Intercultural Communication and Social Integration of Students, conducting continuous monitoring of the level of ethnic tolerance of cadets of the Kerch Marine Technological University, whose future profession requires communication skills in a multi-ethnic environment of the marine crew).

Practical implications. The results of the study can be used in the process of educational work with students of the University in order to prevent interethnic conflicts.


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Author Biography

Lilya I. Kemalova, Kerch State Marine Technological University

Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Humanities Ph.D., associate professor


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How to Cite
Kemalova, L. (2022). FORMATION OF ETHNIC TOLERANCE AMONG STUDENT YOUTH OF THE CRIMEA. Russian Journal of Education and Psychology, 13(6), 60-77.
Educational and Pedagogical Studies