Keywords: career, readiness to build a professional career of a future teacher, components of readiness to build a professional career, criteria for readiness to build a professional career, individual educational route


Introduction. The professional activity of a teacher is multifunctional, and responsibility for their own professional success rests with the teacher himself. However, a significant part of the graduates of the pedagogical university is not ready enough to build their professional career.

The purpose of the work is to theoretically substantiate and describe the effectiveness of the implementation of pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of the readiness of future teachers to build a professional career.

Methods and materials. Systematic, acmeological, activity-based, personality-oriented approaches are considered as the methodological basis of the author’s research. The solution of research tasks is provided by a set of complementary theoretical and empirical methods.

Results. The essence of the concept of readiness of future teachers to build a professional career is clarified. The criterion apparatus for determining the readiness of future teachers to build a professional career is presented. The effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the readiness of future teachers to build a professional career has been experimentally proved. The research materials can be used in the system of secondary vocational and higher pedagogical education to form students – future teachers’ readiness to build a professional career.

Conclusion. The revealed pedagogical conditions contribute to the formation of the readiness of future teachers to build a professional career. The presented practical experience can be used in the construction of a professional training space for future teachers and in other educational organizations.


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Author Biographies

Venera F. Bakhtiyarova, Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M.Akmulla

Associate Professor, Department of Professional and Social Education, Ph.D. in Education

Svetlana M. Gabidullina, Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M.Akmulla

Senior Lecturer, Department of Professional and Social Education


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How to Cite
Bakhtiyarova, V., & Gabidullina, S. (2023). FEATURES OF FORMATION OF READINESS OF FUTURE TEACHERS TO BUILD A PROFESSIONAL CAREER IN CHANGING CONDITIONS. Russian Journal of Education and Psychology, 14(6), 151-168. https://doi.org/10.12731/2658-4034-2023-14-6-151-168
Educational and Pedagogical Studies