Keywords: metaphorical associative cards, art therapy, students, anxious states, depressive states, anxiety, psychological states, individual consultation


In modern scientific and methodological literature, the results of studies with metaphorical comparisons of punishments and applications are not fully presented, especially since there are no promising experimental studies proving their effectiveness in normalizing and preventing anxious and depressive consequences. The conducted research allows eliminating this gap and reveals the need to study the practical application of metaphorical cards and materials as a useful and convenient art therapy tool. The study involved 60 students who had problems with increased anxiety. The students were divided into control and experimental groups of 30 people each. In the control group, the following methods were used: art therapy, sand therapy, therapeutic metaphor, success modeling, and breathing relaxation exercises. The experimental group used the same methods, but with the addition of metaphorical mind cards and aids. The use of metaphorical associative. The experimental group used the same methods, but with the addition of metaphorical mind cards and materials, as part of therapy, had a positive effect on the negative emotional states of students, and gave higher results. Along with this, it should be noted that other therapeutic methods also gave a positive result in 3 sessions, most of the participants in the experiment went beyond the negative values, and positive changes were observed in all. However, the use of MAC had the best effect in the framework of short therapy and gave more positive dynamics in stabilizing the emotional background.

Purpose. Experimentally test and apply metaphorical associative cards during individual consultations to reduce anxiety, anxiety and prevent depressive states.

Methodology. In accordance with the intended purpose and the studied scientific literature, we have identified and used a standardized diagnostic technique - psychological testing, in addition, the study included a survey.

Results. As a result of the study, the effectiveness of the use of metaphorical associative cards to stabilize the emotional states of students has been scientifically substantiated and experimentally proven.

Practical implications. The study will help expand the range of use of metaphorical associative cards and materials in the work of psychologists and teachers to establish contacts, relieve anxiety and depression in older adolescents. The practical application of metaphorical cards and materials can be of great interest to specialists in general education institutions, organizations of secondary vocational education, universities, psychological and social centers.


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Author Biographies

Maria A. Kozlova, Moscow City Pedagogical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Master of the 1st year of study

Aleksey V. Kozlov, Moscow City Pedagogical University

Master of the 1st year of study

Alexander V. Tarasov, Russian Biotechnological University

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite
Kozlova, M., Kozlov, A., & Tarasov, A. (2022). USING METAPHORICAL ASSOCIATIVE CARDS FOR NORMALIZATION OF ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION IN STUDENTS. Russian Journal of Education and Psychology, 13(6), 181-195.
Psychological Studies