Keywords: coping strategies, distance learning, students, specialty, gender, stress, pandemic


The purpose of study is to highlight the differences in students’ appeal to coping strategies in various forms of implementation of the educational process in the context of different anti-epidemic approaches during the pandemic.

Materials and Methods. The materials of the empirical study obtained on a selection of students of pedagogical and medical universities of Krasnoyarsk and Grodno are presented. 1356 students of 2–4 courses aged 18–26 years were interviewed in February 2021. The repertoire of coping strategies was studied using standardized questionnaire methods.

Results. The results of the study demonstrate that there are differences in the choice of coping strategies by students depending on the learning conditions and anti-epidemiological measures. In most cases the students from two countries demonstrate active cognitive coping strategies, turning to the past to anticipate possible difficulties and premeditation. At the same time, significant differences are noted in active cognitive coping strategies and acceptance or denial of a situation. The analysis of the coping strategies use has been made with the consideration of the students’ gender and professional training. The similarity of the general direction of coping behavior among young men and women has been revealed, with differences in the strategies for their implementation, depending on the assessment of the situation, their capabilities and resources. It has been highlighted that the students’ professionalization has a strong influence on how and in what ways they perceive a stressful situation. Thus, the students of pedagogical profiles are the most vulnerable group in coping with a stressful situation of learning during the pandemic.


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Author Biographies

Anna A. Dyachuk, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev

Candidate of Psychology Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of psychology

Andrei I. Shpakou, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Candidate of Medicine Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of Physical Culture and Sports Medicine

Julia Ju. Bocharova, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev

Candidate of Pedagogy Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work

Liudmila G. Klimatckaia, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev

Doctor of Medicine Science, Professor, Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work


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Voronin I.A., Manrique-Millones D., Vasin G.M., et al. Coping Responses during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Peru. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 2020, no. 13(4), pp. 55–74.

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How to Cite
Dyachuk, A., Shpakou, A., Bocharova, J., & Klimatckaia, L. (2022). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF COPING STRATEGIES WITH STRESS OF STUDENTS IN DIFFERENT LEARNING CONDITIONS DURING THE PANDEMIC. Russian Journal of Education and Psychology, 13(4), 108-132.
Psychological Studies