Keywords: competency approach, communicative competence, “Flipped Class” method, specialist programme, basic competencies, advanced competencies, business oral and written communication


Background now, amid growing competition in the labor market, new approaches to foreign-language education are needed. The urgent task of implementing educational programs of the specialty is to train specialists capable of professional activities. According to the standard in the specialty 38.05.01 Economic Security, one of the results of training is “the ability to carry out business communication in oral and written forms in a foreign language,” that is, foreign-language communication is a key component for the successful professional activities of a specialist. There is a contradiction between the requirement of the standard of higher education and the current level of development of competence among students, which makes this work relevant. The teachers’ task is to organize the educational process to make the students’ activities successful and knowledge be in demand. To solve the problem, you can use the Flipped Class method, so there is a need to develop an algorithm for the work of participants in the educational process using this method.

The main purpose of the work is the development of an algorithm for the actions of a teacher and a student in classes of any foreign language at a university applying the “Flipped Class” method.

Methods: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, deduction) and private scientific (testing, observation, questionnaire).

Results: proposed the conditions for using the studied method in classes in a foreign language and algorithms for the actions of the teacher and students at various stages of its implementation.

Conclusion: The description of algorithms for applying the “Flipped Class” method in the educational process can be used by teachers and methodologists; algorithms can be applied when teaching a foreign language to specialty students at a university.


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Author Biography

Lionella N. Lubozheva, Chelyabinsk State University

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Foreign Language


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How to Cite
Lubozheva, L. (2022). FLIPPED CLASS METHOD IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSES AT UNIVERSITY (OPERATION ALGORITHM). Russian Journal of Education and Psychology, 13(4), 71-87. https://doi.org/10.12731/2658-4034-2022-13-4-71-87
Educational and Pedagogical Studies