This study investigates the English teachers’ professional learnisg community from the students’ perspective on its implementation. It is done at some senior high schools in Bekasi. The design of this study was based on qualitative methods with a descriptive design. The data collection technique is done through a semi-structured interview technique. The selected study respondents were based on the purposive sampling technique. Through this technique, the respondents selected to be interviewed were the outstanding principals in senior high schools. The research instrument used was an interview based on the checklist found in Olivier and Hipp’s professional learning community model. The result of the study is that the professional learning community is very effective in school improvement practice and has a significant role in shaping teachers’ personal and collective ability and application. The development of a professional learning community through strengthening the practice of the main functions that are the backbone of the professional learning community, such as collective learning practices and applications, can be seen to improve teachers’ teaching practices and student learning activities which are basic practices in school improvement activities.
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